1 URL (Links) /en/company/delivery-terms
Datum der Indexierung 03.05.2024 23:13:31
Textauszug aus Quelle
ock, following quotation or order confirmation. Cancellations of orders due to late deliveries will not be accepted, neither any penalty claim from the side of the customer. Payment 30 days net, without any deduction of discounts and bank charges. Reserve All rights reserved as to price alterations and technical changes. RE-AL Ltd. retains all ri
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Title (HTML) Delivery terms : RE-AL Ltd : Reamers and floating holders
Kombination Keywords delivery reserved | pieces quotations | re-al under-delivery | special reserve | from replaced | tools switzerland | terms remaining | quantity receipt | responsibility word | contact website | account under | management swiss | order supplied | shop transport | biel strasse | ag/sa webdesign | technical some | neither third | days slight | catalogue siso-mecanis | take download | reamers orders | e-shop prices | piece that | right stock |
outgoing (external) Links 2
Keywords in URL | company| delivery| en| terms
alle ausgehende (outbound) Domain in www.re-al.ch
alle eingehende (inbound) Domain in www.re-al.ch
Textauszug aus Quelle
ock, following quotation or order confirmation. Cancellations of orders due to late deliveries will not be accepted, neither any penalty claim from the side of the customer. Payment 30 days net, without any deduction of discounts and bank charges. Reserve All rights reserved as to price alterations and technical changes. RE-AL Ltd. retains all ri
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Title (HTML) Delivery terms : RE-AL Ltd : Reamers and floating holders
Kombination Keywords delivery reserved | pieces quotations | re-al under-delivery | special reserve | from replaced | tools switzerland | terms remaining | quantity receipt | responsibility word | contact website | account under | management swiss | order supplied | shop transport | biel strasse | ag/sa webdesign | technical some | neither third | days slight | catalogue siso-mecanis | take download | reamers orders | e-shop prices | piece that | right stock |
outgoing (external) Links 2
Keywords in URL | company| delivery| en| terms
alle ausgehende (outbound) Domain in www.re-al.ch
alle eingehende (inbound) Domain in www.re-al.ch