1 URL (Links) /en/luxury-industry/products/precious-metal-wires
Datum der Indexierung 06.10.2024 09:35:31
Textauszug aus Quelle
ducts Know-how Companies Recycling and alloys Luxury+Industry / Products Precious metal wires Semi-finished products Cold-worked straightened wire, available in a wide range of diameters, is the preferred product when working on automatic turning and CNC machines. Our wires have different mechanical and geometric qualities depending on their diam
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Title (HTML) Cendres+Métaux SA — Precious metal wires
HTML Description Precious metal wires Semi-finished products
Kombination Keywords press cold-worked | products content | enter copyright | skip details | contact diameter | alloys different | page directions | download finished | wires geometric | responsibility group | know hardness | jobs have | industry home | centre imprint | cendres legal | career length | search linkedin | back machines | métaux mechanical | product medtech | know-how metal | main companies | diameters recycling | luxury corporate | straightened depending |
outgoing (external) Links 1
Keywords in URL | en| industry| luxury| metal| precious| products| wires
alle ausgehende (outbound) Domain in www.cmsa.ch
alle eingehende (inbound) Domain in www.cmsa.ch
Textauszug aus Quelle
ducts Know-how Companies Recycling and alloys Luxury+Industry / Products Precious metal wires Semi-finished products Cold-worked straightened wire, available in a wide range of diameters, is the preferred product when working on automatic turning and CNC machines. Our wires have different mechanical and geometric qualities depending on their diam
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Title (HTML) Cendres+Métaux SA — Precious metal wires
HTML Description Precious metal wires Semi-finished products
Kombination Keywords press cold-worked | products content | enter copyright | skip details | contact diameter | alloys different | page directions | download finished | wires geometric | responsibility group | know hardness | jobs have | industry home | centre imprint | cendres legal | career length | search linkedin | back machines | métaux mechanical | product medtech | know-how metal | main companies | diameters recycling | luxury corporate | straightened depending |
outgoing (external) Links 1
Keywords in URL | en| industry| luxury| metal| precious| products| wires
alle ausgehende (outbound) Domain in www.cmsa.ch
alle eingehende (inbound) Domain in www.cmsa.ch