Adrian Moser | Adrian Moser) CSL Behring honored talents in Biomedical Sciences and Environmental Sciences at two events in March. At the graduation ceremony for the "Biomedi |
Adrian Zuercher | Adrian Zuercher, Head of Research Europe, presented the three graduates with the highest grades with prizes of CHF 2,500, CHF 1,500 and CHF 1,000. This year’s |
Adrian Zürcher | Adrian Zürcher, Head of Research Europe Mehr erfahren R&D Schweiz vergibt Biomedical Science Award Die drei Preisträgerinnen wurden an der Diplomfeier der Uni |
Andrew Chan | Andrew Chan, Head of University Outpatient Neuro Centre at Inselspital Bern , CSL’s research department in Bern offered the participating PhD students a divers |
Anna Kaufmann | Anna Kaufmann achieved a grade of 5.34 with her work "Neuronal ensembles underlying the representation of pain and anxiety in the mouse anterior cingulate cort |
Anna Meier | Anna Meier (CSL Behring) in conversation with Guy Parmelin (right) and Ryad Mezzour (centre) during the site tour in Bern Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin (Head |
Asia Pacific | Asia Pacific Australia China Japan Korea Singapore Taiwan Middle East Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates (MEA) Europe Austria Belgium and Luxembourg Czech Repub |
Barbara Beugger | Barbara Beugger Brand Ambassador Watch Barbara Beugger’s video from CSL Behring Lengnau |
Barbara Beuggers | Skip to main content Global Selector - Deutsch English CSL Services Contact Us Our Company Our Company Leadership Group Our Story Diversity, Equity & Inclusion |
Cédric Vonarburg | Cédric Vonarburg, Director, Gene Therapy Research Europe at CSL – aim to shed light on the latest research, development challenges, and regulatory pathways. Co |
Christoph Ammann | Christoph Ammann, Commission President Prof. em. Dr. Joachim Frey and other guests, the Bernese Environmental Research Prize, worth CHF 15,000, was awarded for |
Daniel Geisser | Daniel Geisser, Vice President Schulhausstrasse 2 7332 Wangs Tel.: 081 723 71 58 mobile: 079 693 02 75 E-mail: Website: Swiss H |
Emmanuelle Lecomte | Emmanuelle Lecomte-Brisset, Senior Vice President and Head of Global Regulatory Affairs, CSL. “We believe HEMGENIX® has the potential to change the treatment p |
Fabienne Wöhner | Fabienne Wöhner. In her work, she investigated the question of whether commuting is reduced thanks to working from home and teleworking, thus reducing the over |
Gene Therapy | gene therapy, and biotechnological advancements. Pioneering Partnerships Join us on Tuesday from 15:00 to 15:45 in the Samarkand Room for a captivating panel d |
German Health | German Health Authority (GHA). In the US, CSL Plasma participates in the National Donor Deferral Registry (NDDR), a nationwide database of plasma donors who ha |
Grant Provider | Grant Provider for any Investigator-Initiated Study that it funds. Due to certain legal implications, the role of Sponsor needs to be assumed by either the inv |
Guy Parmelin | Guy Parmelin und marokkanischen Handelsminister. 07 Mrz 2024 Bern leuchtet am Tag der seltenen Krankheiten Am 29. Februar erleuchtete das Burgerspital Bern in |
Helene Saam | Helene Saam, President Ettenbergstrasse 44 CH-4658 Daeniken Tel.: 079 895 10 80 E-mail: Website: Swiss Hemophi |
Isabelle Dahinden | Isabelle Dahinden, General Manager Switzerland, CSL Behring. “We are proud to add this treatment to our portfolio of coagulation therapies and look forward to |