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Datum der Indexierung 06.05.2024 16:51:50
extern (outbound) Link/Domain 6 in .flury-software.ch
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HTML Description Blog
Kombination Keywords here ways | that time | data schreiben | software this | world with | orda version | kontakt swiss | flury take | applications technology | blog until |
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released version 17. The most eye-catching feature set of 4D v17 is ORDA: Object Relational Data Access. This is really something new (and unique in the world of databases) and will allow us to “play” with data in new and unprecedented ways. ORDA is arbeiten Referenzen Dienstleistungen Blog Kontakt Blog Startseite 4d 4D v17 is here 4d 4D v17 is here vor 6 Jahren t8.flury 4D just released version 17. The most eye-catching feature set of 4D v17 is ORDA: Object Relational Data A
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Log Metriken 80827
extern (outbound) Link/Domain 6 in .flury-software.ch
intern (inbound) Link/Domain .flury-software.ch
Alle Links in alle Links in .flury-software.ch
HTML Description Blog
Kombination Keywords here ways | that time | data schreiben | software this | world with | orda version | kontakt swiss | flury take | applications technology | blog until |
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released version 17. The most eye-catching feature set of 4D v17 is ORDA: Object Relational Data Access. This is really something new (and unique in the world of databases) and will allow us to “play” with data in new and unprecedented ways. ORDA is arbeiten Referenzen Dienstleistungen Blog Kontakt Blog Startseite 4d 4D v17 is here 4d 4D v17 is here vor 6 Jahren t8.flury 4D just released version 17. The most eye-catching feature set of 4D v17 is ORDA: Object Relational Data A
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Log Metriken 80827
URL /4d-v17-is-here/