1 von 1 mit Any Swiss
Any Swiss
Datensätze 1 mit Any Swiss | any | swiss
Datum der Indexierung Samstag, 04 Mai 2024 04:13:16 (04.05.2024 04:13:16)
Textauszug Any Swiss citizen with the right to vote is eligible to stand for election to the Federal Council, and does not necessarily have to be an official candidate or a member of the Swiss parliament. Parliament must ensure that the different regions and la Federal Council election Federal Council election Federal Council election The Federal Council Shopping cart
Domain und Subdomain www.admin.ch
Datum der Indexierung Samstag, 04 Mai 2024 04:13:16 (04.05.2024 04:13:16)
Textauszug Any Swiss citizen with the right to vote is eligible to stand for election to the Federal Council, and does not necessarily have to be an official candidate or a member of the Swiss parliament. Parliament must ensure that the different regions and la Federal Council election Federal Council election Federal Council election The Federal Council Shopping cart
Domain und Subdomain www.admin.ch